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Paula Shy knows that she is in big trouble. She has not been working hard in school and has been told that the college is pulling her scholarship.

Now she has to ask her parents to pay the full tuition and she knows they are going to be really angry. Luckily Paula has noticed the way her stepfather looks at her and thinks she knows how to convince him to get her mother to agree to the expense. She catches him when her mom is gone and knows that he is probably looking for his VR Headset to enjoy a little alone time. Wearing only a sweater and a pair of panties, Paula explains her situation. She can see that you are uncomfortable, but also notes that you can’t stop staring at her. You listen as she asks for your help and then offers to do anything you want in return. Including all of the things that she knows her mother won’t do. You are stunned at how bold she is but don't move as she takes off her sweater. Paula pulls out a Popsicle and starts licking it, staring at you as she invites you to take your cock out for her. She sucks and licks while you slowly pump your cock watching her. You are close to cumming so she slides her fingers into her tight pussy to get off with you. When she grunts and shoots a big load into your hand, Paula knows that her money trouble is over.

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