I'd say calculated rather than guessed but of course we can't enter accurate birthdate information until someone gives it to us.
If sites give an age we simply deduct that from the year the model details were published. Even if the age is correct it could be the day before or after their birthday so being in the wrong year is not unusual.
Unless someone provides a birth-date, all we can do is give a guide to their age. Giving a calculated year rather than an age at least preserves the information until someone comes up with something better.
19 Mar. 1989
Is someone guessing 1990 as her Birth Year or what???
I'd say calculated rather than guessed but of course we can't enter accurate birthdate information until someone gives it to us.
If sites give an age we simply deduct that from the year the model details were published. Even if the age is correct it could be the day before or after their birthday so being in the wrong year is not unusual.
Unless someone provides a birth-date, all we can do is give a guide to their age. Giving a calculated year rather than an age at least preserves the information until someone comes up with something better.