I'd be happy to send you some examples from each set that might make good covers, if you'll tell me how you want me to get them to you.
The only dates I have are the dates off of the pictures themselves, which would not be the date they were posted. For example, the pictures from the first set all have a date of 5-21-06, which was a Sunday. As I'm sure you know, Domai doesn't post sets on the weekend. The picture dates for each set are:
Set 1: 5-21-06
Set 2: 2-18-07
Set 3: 9-14-08
Set 4: 4-10-06
Also, it looks like the pictures I have as "set 4" came from this Mixed Models set as the cover you used is among the set.
Mikey - I can't really add them without publication dates - I'd only get flak from people but thanks anyway. Maybe someone can post the publication dates? (:R
@anonymous_Mikey said:
I'd be happy to send you some examples from each set that might make good covers, if you'll tell me how you want me to get them to you.
The only dates I have are the dates off of the pictures themselves, which would not be the date they were posted. For example, the pictures from the first set all have a date of 5-21-06, which was a Sunday. As I'm sure you know, Domai doesn't post sets on the weekend. The picture dates for each set are:
Set 1: 5-21-06
Set 2: 2-18-07
Set 3: 9-14-08
Set 4: 4-10-06
Also, it looks like the pictures I have as "set 4" came from this Mixed Models set as the cover you used is among the set.
At one time, she had at least 4 sets on Domai. They appear to have been removed.
Mikey - if you can let me have some examples with dates I can make a cover (:R
I'd be happy to send you some examples from each set that might make good covers, if you'll tell me how you want me to get them to you.
The only dates I have are the dates off of the pictures themselves, which would not be the date they were posted. For example, the pictures from the first set all have a date of 5-21-06, which was a Sunday. As I'm sure you know, Domai doesn't post sets on the weekend. The picture dates for each set are:
Set 1: 5-21-06
Set 2: 2-18-07
Set 3: 9-14-08
Set 4: 4-10-06
Also, it looks like the pictures I have as "set 4" came from this Mixed Models set as the cover you used is among the set.
Mikey - I can't really add them without publication dates - I'd only get flak from people but thanks anyway. Maybe someone can post the publication dates?
She is from Ukraine.
Birthplace: Ukraine. Not
Blondie from the video is the same girl. Moles match are confirmed. (:R
I need a bit more info - name of video? (:R
"Games" video from MA. Models: Lena M & Natasha M.
Her name from the video is Lena M.
Sorry, her name at vid is Natasha. (:)
I saw this video. Katya K, Katya S and Natasha M from MA are the same person.
Katya K is one of the models in this behind the scenes Met-Art set from 2005. Yuliya A is the other model. Neither is credited for the set.
The cover appears to be two different models.
According to https://pornolab.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=522099 , Set 1 was published on 2006-05-22. The "Set 4" was actually a bonus set in April 2006, but its accurate date was unknown. The cover of https://www.thenude.eu/cover/domai/129352/ was the 10 photo of that bonus set.