Viktoria B / ICGID: VX-006O / #1487



  • The Web Links and MET ART model page are actualy for Viktoria A

  • Also Vita A @ zemani

  • Viktoria A is a beautiful woman, one of my favorite's.

  • If you look at Sveta G's soft core covers you will notice that Vita sets 1, 2, and 3 (Domai) by Alan Anar IS the same person as Viktoria on this page. Also Inna "Rejuva" (Met Art) by Alan Anar and Sveta "Kronos" (Met Art) by Alan Anar on the same Sveta G soft core cover page IS ViKtoria on this page. Very confusing as to why this girl is under the names of Viktoria, Inna (Alan Anar), and Sveta (Alan Anar) on Met Art. I agree with the concensus that Sveta G IS NOT the same girl as Viktoria on this page. I am quite certain that I am correct.....Viktoria/Inna/Sveta (Met Art), Victoriya (Met Models), Vita (Domanai), Vita A (Zemani).....THE GIRL ON THIS PAGE, WHATEVER HER NAME IS.....She is my all time favorite model. Gorgeous.

  • Vita sets 1, 2, and 3 (Domai) by Alan Anar, Sveta "Kronos" (Met Art) by Alan Anar, and Inna "Rejuva" by Alan Anar is the same girl as Viktoria_1487. As Met Monk has stated, the girl listed as Sveta G....The Beach (Met Models) by Alan Anar and the girl listed as Talia (Met Girls) IS NOT the same girl as Viktoria_1487.

  • Update: This is all screwed up. Viktoria_1487 is as follows: Viktoria/Viktoria B from Met Art (presenting Viktoria) by Razin, Sveta G from Met Art (Rejuva) by Alan Anar, Inna (on cover) from Met Art (Kronos) by Alan Anar (also listed as Sveta G), Vida from Domai (sets 1, 2, and 3) by Alan Anar, Victoriya from Met Models (Adore) by Max Stan, Vita A from Zemani (Beauty in Reflection/Sunshine Girl) by Stefan Ra.

    The problem seems to be that the girl in the photos listed under Sveta G....."The Beach" from Met Models by Alan Anar and Talia from Met Girls IS NOT SVETA G (I do not know who she is....maybe Talia?).

    Please make the changes to Viktoria_1457's page too as to prevent any more confusion. Thank you very much.

  • Please see my updated comments on Sveta G (the problem is the girl listed under Sveta G in the sets "The Beach" from Met Models by Alan Anar and Talia from Met Girls IS NOT SVETA G.....but Viktoria/Viktoria B/Sveta G/Inna from Met Art, Victoriya from Met Models by Max Stan, Vita A from Zemani by Stefan Ra, Vida from Domanai by Alan Anar are all the same girl and she is in fact also listed as Sveta G from Met Art.

  • Victor, We've looked into this again. The new consensus is that all the covers we had on the Viktoria page (1487), and all the covers we had on the Sveta G page (11929), are one and the same.

    Which means, we agree with you on some of the points you made. And we disagree with you on other points you made.

    What we agree on: the Viktoria in "Presenting Viktoria" by Razin and in "Adore" by Max Stan is the same as whatever-her-name-is in "Rejuva" and "Kronos" by Alan Anar. When I compare Sveta in "Kronos" with Viktoriya in "Adore", I find it hard to believe they are not the same. Mole test positive but only just (not enough moles to call it reliable). I can't see any obvious mismatches - same shapes & sizes, even same hair style.

    What we disagree on: you argue that whatever-her-name-is in "The Beach" by Alan Anar and in "Talia" (MetGirls) is a different model. Take one look at the side-by-side photos below and I'm sure you'll agree that there is no way these could be different models. If there is one thing that's beyond doubt in this whole story, it's that Rejuva, The Beach (a MM reissue of MG Talia) and Kronos are the same model, same location (Cape Meganom, Crimea), same photo shoot.

  • Victor, thanks for helping set assignment. But we admins tend to identify Viktoria and Sveta G as same person. I found moles according at left breast, right of neck, right lower arm, with both models. And no significant difference found.

    I think what makes difference (moles etc.) is photographer's post process. But you insist they are different. Could you explain their difference concretely?

  • I apologize for any (more) confusion I caused. After I wrote my last comments I again studied (not really the correct word when describing a woman) and found I was indeed wrong. Thank you for correcting me.

    What I regret most is that I should have done a better job on my part before commenting. I very seldom comment unless I am 100% certain I am correct, but I clearly made a mistake this time.

    Victoria B (and her alias') is very pretty and one of my favorite women on Her photo sets are some of the hardest on to indentify. I really appreciate the effort put in by so many of you helping to correctly indentify all of the models on this site.

    Once again I apologize.

  • Victoriya's "Beauty in Reflection" set (full set) is my favourite. I'm not really sure what it is about Victoriya but she is my overall favourite model.

    She seems to be very approachable....the kind of pretty girl you see in daily life. She has a nice smile, pretty eyes, slim figure, long legs.....Victoriya is a beautiful woman.

  • Probably born in 1978

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