Caesaria A / ICGID: CA-90Z7 / #13276
Here you can discuss Caesaria A, ICGID: CA-90Z7
Links to her model pages:
- METART ( Caesaria A )
- FEMJOY ( Tatjana B )
- RYLSKY ART ( Caesaria )
- SKOKOFF ( Cezaria )
- WATCH4BEAUTY ( Caesaria A )
- METMOVIES ( Caesaria A )
is she so beautiful on our lasting pic minggled mind or do we just think she is?
Caesaria A, another one of my top 5 models!!!!
Daria E, Marina M, Lola B, and Caesaria more to go!!!!!
Voce e linda maravilhosa, perfeita
Um beijo do seu fã do Brasil
Now also appearing as Tatjana B with Femjoy
Hi, RYLSKY thank you. The potraits of Caesaria A are great.
New set on Met-Art today called "October"
sweet little girl.
You have several of her FemJoy covers marked as Ilona, even though the covers say Tatjana B.
Ilona is the photographer name.
Met Art just introduced a new girl (Virginia Sun) who could be Caesaria's sister. Same weight, virtually the same measurements, but 5 cm taller. She looks a lot like her in the face, too. Since Caesaria is one of my favorites, this is a good thing!
I've spent half the afternoon trying to work out if they're the same girl. The bio says Virginia is from Sweden, but the similarity can't be a coincidence.
Caesaria A and Virginia look like they are the same person, but their eyes are not the same color, and in the hi-res photos it does not look like either is wearing colored contact lenses. Does anyone have Rylsky's e-mail
Going to have to disagree on them being similar. Virginia is Swedish, forehead is not slavic at all, other than being wide. Nose is completely different. Ok, looking at some Virginia photos I can see some related features, but to confuse Virginia with Caesaria even facially, never.
Look at their navels. They're different.