Arabella A / ICGID: AA-886T / #10717
Here you can discuss Arabella A, ICGID: AA-886T
Links to her model pages:
- METART ( Arabella A )
- NUBILES ( Joanne )
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Tattoos[/b]: right ankle (Tribal) Sample: PRESENTING ARABELLA
this is the same girl as "arabella a" from metart. ankle tattoo matches
Well spotted demonated (:R
Met Art Bio:
I am very fond, and quite good at sports, and dancing. I can dance all night long. Also I like to be near anything related to nature and my dream is to have a big house in the near future.
Also Lahova, for Erotic beauty, Garden Tent.
Very nice girl, a pity so few work.
Same girl -
Check big birthmark next to the navel and tattoo on her right leg.