Easier way to add/suggest/correct a cover name?
Is there an easy way to add/suggest/correct a cover name or number for missing one?
Let me explain this with Onlytease.com covers and some screenshots.
Onlytease (and other network sites OO, OS, OSS etc) uses numbers for their set namings. They didn't use covers for a long time, but it changed in the last 2-3 years. These covers are from the original site sets, not some fan made covers:
See that #xxxx? That's the "set name". Before adding covers, they published their sets with those set numbers from day 1.
So here is the issue. If we look at this screenshot, we'll see set names are missing.
If i want to suggest a set name (in this example, the set number), i must:
1) Copy cover page link
2) Click the model name
3) Click "Comments" link
4) Paste cover page link into comment section
5) Type the set name/number
6) Click "Post Comment" button
in this exact order.
Instead of 6 clicks for every cover, maybe a little one-click edit button on cover list page (active for only sets without a name) like this:
or a button like this on the spesific cover page:
could be very very handy.
Why am i suggesting something like this? I am a fan of Onlytease and i am a perfectionist. Also i want to search and find a cover/set with its name. And i want to bulk edit/suggest those missing cover names/numbers
Let's get back to our example. I have approximately %70-80 of OT network sets, this means i know most of missing set names/numbers. I want to add them to relevant set, but i don't want to repeat that 6 click process every time for hundreds of covers.
So let me know if one of this suggestions are possible or if there is an easier way to do this kind of thing.
Thanks for reading.
I like your idea - there's two ways to tackle this. One: I add you as an admin so you can edit the model pages or 2: I can ask the 'powers' to make changes to the page permissions (12 month delay) - let me know your thoughts
Sorry for the late reply, i visited thenude as a visitor for the last couple of months.
I'm familar with admin/moderator tools (being a moderator in one of the big adult forums helps
) so i'm OK with been an admin and sure it'll speed up the corrections.