Krisztina V / ICGID: KV-78QY / #7588
Here you can discuss Krisztina V, ICGID: KV-78QY
Links to her model pages:
- DDFBUSTY ( Krisztina V )
- ONLYBLOWJOB ( Krisztina V )
- HOTMOVIES ( Pamela Sandersin )
- DDFNETWORK ( Krisztina V )
This is very sexy pornstar, very difficult to find in net. She has other names: Vanessa, Sheila and Kyara Diavolo
She names Alexa Quest too! I forgot this name... Please write this too! Sorry for my english, I'm from Poland
Please write this text to "Tell Me More":
Krisztina V (under different names) was playing in:
Killer Pussy 4 - as Vanessa
Private Matador 10
Ass Angels 3 -
European Bukkake 8 - as Sheila
Holes & Whores 1 and 2 as Kyara Diavolo
Offertes a Tout 12: Fantasmes De Minnettes
Durchgefickt und abgesaugt ?
Gang Bang Angels #18 - as Alexa Quest
Assman 18
Hardcore Innocence #1
Dangerous Curves (compilation)
Penetration 9
There are films that I remember with her.
In she names Alexa Kiss. Please, write this name to her. Thanx!
Hello! I discover that this pornstar names Pamela Sandersin and have official website! and is on My Space site.
She plays in 4 films: Borass, PS I Love You: Pamela's Secret, Pamela Principle, The 1 and 2
Please add this infos to database of Whichpornstar site! Greetings!!!
You can find that pornstar also on as Vanessa and on aka Vanessa too.