Aida A / ICGID: AA-00B3 / #593
Here you can discuss Aida A, ICGID: AA-00B3
Links to her model pages:
- METART ( Aida A )
- METMODELS ( Aida & Aidia )
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La Vie En Rose is Aida B
I search & search this Model and not Find...
Now i know why.
The AKA Name is FALSE (MEM)
-> Aidia MEM Manzanita ( with dia not aka Aida)
And Aidia (METMODELS) 3. AKA
All the metart & metmodel web links can go.
The corresponding covers all have a gallery button with the same link.
Still confused about valid web & gallery button links.
From previous discussion would have thought these button links were invalid. Are they
Hi Newbie, both of those links are fine as they both come from the originating website.
But this example would not be good:
even though the content was the same.
Hope that helps (:R
Clear as mud. Can't see the difference between artnudegalleries , bcash4you & somesitename.
Not to worry. Will only send links if i can find an existing one of the same format.
You have removed the web links from metart but not metmodels.
The cover for Aida A entitled Elias by Rigin has two models on the cover...the model in front is actually Lilia not Aida A. The model in back is Anna N.
Thanks for pointing, arrack1.
Probably born in 1985