For some reason I think 'Flora' is an aka for Tony Murano, as if he did a moonlighting job for Errotica with these two sets below. Same kind of props (or fetish, as someone commented at Murano's page), same kind of 'focus' on what and how to shoot, same kind of 'retouching' the photos.
Just curious: anyone here's seen more under the name Flora, or would like to share your opinion on this matter?
Yes indeed, that's unmistakably Tony Murano's style. We only have 3 sets to go on so far, but given the very distinctive style, that's more than enough to convince me...
[[[technote@russell: the updated pts-pages on Antonio Clemens, Oleg Morenko, Ratmir Alier, and Rylsky contain some kind of error, they don't load as they should (with or without allowing scripting), but redirect to the main pts index page. As far as I can tell, the error is not in the code of the referring index page, so it must be in the code of the updated pages themselves.
Hello! I am a photographer. Now you can see my work. If you have any suggestions, questions, comments and messages to my models - please e-mail
We had mistakenly assigned the Traeben set to Arkisi because as far as we knew, everything on EternalDesire is by Arkisi - and the set info on the site lists Arkisi as photographer name. Looking at the cover, however, we notice that the cover says "Leonie photographed by ED Exclusive". All the other EternalDesire covers say "photographed by Arkisi".
Looking at the Traeben set, it seems pretty obvious that this set is by Flora and not by Arkisi. It looks 100% genuine Flora style, it's a Flora model, it's a Flora shooting location. We have updated our records and assigned the set to Flora.
For some reason I think 'Flora' is an aka for Tony Murano, as if he did a moonlighting job for Errotica with these two sets below. Same kind of props (or fetish, as someone commented at Murano's page), same kind of 'focus' on what and how to shoot, same kind of 'retouching' the photos.
Just curious: anyone here's seen more under the name Flora, or would like to share your opinion on this matter?
An interesting hypothesis, I'm sure MetMonk will have a comment
Yes indeed, that's unmistakably Tony Murano's style. We only have 3 sets to go on so far, but given the very distinctive style, that's more than enough to convince me...
If Flora is Tony Murano then the top 3 met phtographers work with errotica Erro (owner) Flora( Tony Murano) and Thierry Murrell ( Antonio Clemens).
[[[technote@russell: the updated pts-pages on Antonio Clemens, Oleg Morenko, Ratmir Alier, and Rylsky contain some kind of error, they don't load as they should (with or without allowing scripting), but redirect to the main pts index page. As far as I can tell, the error is not in the code of the referring index page, so it must be in the code of the updated pages themselves.
Thanks in advance for checking on this.]]]
Hi proxy, I've been asked to temporarily remove these photographer names - they should be back again in a couple of weeks. Cheers, (:R
Hello! I am a photographer. Now you can see my work. If you have any suggestions, questions, comments and messages to my models - please e-mail
Sincerely Flora.
aka Kseniya Zachetova (?????? ????????) from Kazan City, Russia. She isn't Tony Murano.
aka Lena Velinas from met-art.
aka Oksana Chepelyk from other sides
If you campare the photos of le440, her facebook side is Chepelyk. She lives in Kiev. There is a lot about her photos under her name.
Now on EternalDesire:
This is the sequel:
Hello Flora,
We had mistakenly assigned the Traeben set to Arkisi because as far as we knew, everything on EternalDesire is by Arkisi - and the set info on the site lists Arkisi as photographer name. Looking at the cover, however, we notice that the cover says "Leonie photographed by ED Exclusive". All the other EternalDesire covers say "photographed by Arkisi".
Looking at the Traeben set, it seems pretty obvious that this set is by Flora and not by Arkisi. It looks 100% genuine Flora style, it's a Flora model, it's a Flora shooting location. We have updated our records and assigned the set to Flora.
No problem, guys - we are collaborating with each other to make the site more interesting for you
BTW - it was not Flora who wrote here. FB