denatured glam and the wilderness experience ☹

Airbrushed models with dyed hair and denuded pussies litter the soft porn/glamour landscape. You see them in the woods and on the shore, in mountain meadows and on rocky trails, sometimes in high heels. Am I the only one who asks, "What's wrong with this picture?" Is it supposed to contrast the superiority of human artifice over the rest of the world?
It is unceasingly strange to me that grown women should do their damnedest to look prepubescent, and that so many guys applaud them for it. They seem so pure and innocent with most or all of their horrifying body hair tastefully removed, apparently so as not to threaten poor male egos with reality. The phonier the better. And if they do hardcore on the side, they are even more loved, I guess for appearing to be helpless victims of denuded dicks.
It's truly a wondrous scene. Natural beauty at its finest. Congrats to all who support and contribute to the endless parade of uniformed Eros. Trump and Kim, not to mention MA and FJ, etc, salute you ✌☻☝⚐ $$$ ⚑


  • One more thing about why I'm very unhappy with the general state of mainstream erotica (and I'm sure I'm repeating myself :-): its female models seem to prefer artificial decoration over natural sexiness, apparently because they are ignorant about their natural sexiness. They get no help from porn bosses or most of society, but it's still a crying shame. Imagine how sexy things could be with today's technology if they knew better.

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