pals, it's finish:i can't live without this goddess.
For me she's absolute, she's the most gorgeous girl in light erotic world. i want to find her and tell her i want her as my mate. i think it's rather real because for me she has no copies and girls alike. she's the one, i think i really can prove it to her. for me it's a biggest dream in my life. please help me, how can i find her. i lay on this just neat everything in my life to be Karissa my own and only.
Wow, The only model that has really got my attention despite the absence of videos. As a fan of the medium I hope she goes on to have a fruitful career in nude art/porn and makes many patrons happy This may be a case of demand far outweighing supply because ive read her ambition is to become a nurse but im an optimist.
FTAO 'REALWORLD' : RE; your comment "i can't live without this goddess.", please remember that this is work. While for some models the job may stem from passion for the art, there may be equally as many women (if not more) for whom it is simply a way to pay the bills. I hope you never meet her because i suspect you like the idea you have of her more than the human being that she is.
Errotica Archives has a new Katie A set. It's called Sentoni, like the last one. I don't know how it's different, except it's only 56 files (not 65 like the previous release), and the cover is new.
pals, it's finish:i can't live without this goddess.
For me she's absolute, she's the most gorgeous girl in light erotic world. i want to find her and tell her i want her as my mate. i think it's rather real because for me she has no copies and girls alike. she's the one, i think i really can prove it to her. for me it's a biggest dream in my life. please help me, how can i find her. i lay on this just neat everything in my life to be Karissa my own and only.
Wow, The only model that has really got my attention despite the absence of videos. As a fan of the medium I hope she goes on to have a fruitful career in nude art/porn and makes many patrons happy
This may be a case of demand far outweighing supply because ive read her ambition is to become a nurse but im an optimist.
FTAO 'REALWORLD' : RE; your comment "i can't live without this goddess.", please remember that this is work. While for some models the job may stem from passion for the art, there may be equally as many women (if not more) for whom it is simply a way to pay the bills. I hope you never meet her because i suspect you like the idea you have of her more than the human being that she is.
Errotica Archives has a new Katie A set. It's called Sentoni, like the last one. I don't know how it's different, except it's only 56 files (not 65 like the previous release), and the cover is new.
Now appearing as Karissa at playboyplus.
One month since the last update. Uhmmm.. I hope she has not retired.
she is cute, but i preferred her way more when she was a bit more curvy, like in her earlier sets
Take a look st Saleena Hann at Amkingdom is this the same girl?
She is one of DemiFrayFriends. You can book a personal nude story with Karissa on
I think she is on podium life
New video at MPL: Karissa - I've Got A Feeling
Her page on Secret of Pleasure as Rina
On Wikimujeres there are some photos from Tv and spot
agreed. she's getting a bit too thin
The cover of "Body Talk" by MPLSTUDIOS features another model