Courtney Taylor / ICGID: CX-000R / #22912
Here you can discuss Courtney Taylor, ICGID: CX-000R
Links to her model pages:
- ALSSCAN ( Courtney )
- PENTHOUSE ( Courtney Taylor )
- KARUPSPC ( Courtney )
- ALS SCAN ( Courtney )
- ALS ARCHIVE ( Courtney )
This is the same model one of the models you show as Ivana H. She goes by Alisa, Courtney, Denisa and possibly several names but is not the model she is listed with as "Ivana H".
mstlpflx - do you mean this Ivana H? (:R
This page might be some help.
Tallest model seems to be Courtney. But shape of areolae looks different with Ivana H.
This may be her...
She does not appear at bigtitsatschool, that's the other Courtney Taylor.
I believe these are all correct for her...
OK, there is still some confusion on this page. The original Courtney/Alisa was featured at ALS -
Hi Bunny, I'm missing something - I don't understand your comment could you explain? (:R
Would the 'other' Courtney be this one? (:R
The splitting of the two Courtney Taylors is nearly there. The Earl Miller links need to be switched to the other page (The Earl Miller cover here shows the other Courtney after her boob job).
Hi Bunny, thanks for your help with this confusion
I agree with the EarlMiller cover belongs to Courtney @ ALSScan. But confusing thing is another model is also named Courtney Taylor at EarlMiller, then she would belong here. Here's sample photo.
Yes indeed it seems that Earl Miller features both Courtney Taylors. The one in the Unicorn scene belongs on this page as that was before her Boob Job.
In my opinion :
Courtney Taylor from ALS Scan and pet from Penthouse magazine in June 2005
IS NOT ...
Courntey Taylor from Babes and Brazzers.
However, there are two models in Earl Miller.
Those are two very different styles!