A rarity infinitely better than the rest, as the current state of "glam" makes clear. I actually hope that won't always be the case, -- but it's a forlorn hope :-)) ☹ ☯
Somebody subtracted a vote again.
Yes, I keep an eye on my fave :-)
She does pretty good, considering she stopped participating in this biz from what I can tell nearly 6 years ago.
She's classic "quality over quantity" ☺ ♥ ☯
A couple of facts about Kristel A, aka Alice V:
All the modeling thenude.eu lists her as having done was done in 2011 and 2012.
She did not and does not go by the alias "Jeff Milton".
If anybody has evidence to the contrary, please share it ☺
Thank you for removing the Jeff Milton alias from Kristel's bio.
Jeff's a nice girl, but she's no Kristel (and vice versa :-)
Now if you could just persuade Kristel to resume her erotic modeling career ☺
About the covers and previews of Kristel's sets: I'm sure I'm not the only one who says that, compared to her best images, they by and large aren't much. There are waaay better shots "inside."
That said, there are several very good cover shots. But we shouldn't judge a book by its cover :-)
She is extraordinary; the variety she shows in all of her sets including the Femjoys is remarkable, and worth studying.
The cover shot for the very sensual "Zestasia" ain't bad; I gave it a nine. But this shot here is a classic:
I can't link it, but it's Zestasia image 0108.
Some girls aren't afraid to be sexy :-)
@andywuz said:
She is extraordinary; the variety she shows in all of her sets including the Femjoys is remarkable, and worth studying.
The pristine, girlish nature of her "shaved" shots (see Tiny Tits) compared with the womanly hairy ones (take Stoa, for example) -- she's the same pretty girl in 2 erotically contrasting, opposing styles. She does this better and more purely than any model I'm aware of. She just instinctively knows how to pose, how to show her body.
Another set that shows off the girlish smoothness very well is Epilogi. Stick some Petals or Pinnate shots up against some of those.
The combinations are endless
I should say I'm talking about what I think are her most successful images, the ones I come back to over and over. There are quite a few, perhaps a couple of hundred. I'm still discovering and rediscovering them.
The key word for Kristel is contrast. Not just between her shaven and unshaven sets, but within single shots that juxtapose delicate features and steamy "fur." Just like Mother Nature! ♁ See, for example, Lustroso.
They show the whole young woman. Why is this so rare in today's mainstream erotica?
If you don't mind a little textural stubble (I certainly don't :-), check out Devoto or her Femjoy Premiere.
I think she thinks the hair on her body is sexy, too ✌☺ ☯
We'll talk about her striking moods another time :-) ⌛
The quintessential unspoilt, sexy girl next door. That's Kristel in her best Rylsky images. Like virgin wilderness, she radiates healthy natural beauty.
Other models could be this way, but, hoping to improve them, they denature their bodies. The look in their eyes attests to the strain of trying to be what they aren't.
The antidote? Check out Kristel's first two MetArt sets.
To classify Kristel a "brunette" is kinda misleading. She has brown hair for sure, but is naturally fair-skinned and her eyes are blue (or gray.) To me a real brunette has darker hair, a relatively dark complexion, and brown eyes. Consult(ing) the dictionary ☻☝
Check for example Astrud A: a genuine brunette.
That said, I'm thinking of a certain image in Sperren that practically defines "brunette" :-)
Have fun categorizing bleached blondes
A rarity infinitely better than the rest, as the current state of "glam" makes clear. I actually hope that won't always be the case, -- but it's a forlorn hope :-)) ☹ ☯
Somebody subtracted a vote again.
Yes, I keep an eye on my fave :-)
She does pretty good, considering she stopped participating in this biz from what I can tell nearly 6 years ago.
She's classic "quality over quantity" ☺ ♥ ☯
How many models can be ranked 88th?
Hey, I guess a tie is better than nothing.
Also notice your shooting location info has disappeared.
Oh well ☹
yep - we got into trouble with the photographers
She goes from the "favourite" of 361 members to 347 overnight. Why?
we had a masive clearout of duplicate/bot memberships (:R
Sounds good! ☹
As long as you're not picking on my girl ☺ ☯
Anonymous? Not in my dictionary :-))
Guess you're not a "real" person if you're not a "member"?
A couple of facts about Kristel A, aka Alice V:
All the modeling thenude.eu lists her as having done was done in 2011 and 2012.
She did not and does not go by the alias "Jeff Milton".
If anybody has evidence to the contrary, please share it ☺
Thank you for removing the Jeff Milton alias from Kristel's bio.
Jeff's a nice girl, but she's no Kristel (and vice versa :-)
Now if you could just persuade Kristel to resume her erotic modeling career ☺
About the covers and previews of Kristel's sets: I'm sure I'm not the only one who says that, compared to her best images, they by and large aren't much. There are waaay better shots "inside."
That said, there are several very good cover shots. But we shouldn't judge a book by its cover :-)
She is extraordinary; the variety she shows in all of her sets including the Femjoys is remarkable, and worth studying.
The cover shot for the very sensual "Zestasia" ain't bad; I gave it a nine. But this shot here is a classic:
I can't link it, but it's Zestasia image 0108.
Some girls aren't afraid to be sexy :-)
The pristine, girlish nature of her "shaved" shots (see Tiny Tits) compared with the womanly hairy ones (take Stoa, for example) -- she's the same pretty girl in 2 erotically contrasting, opposing styles. She does this better and more purely than any model I'm aware of. She just instinctively knows how to pose, how to show her body.
Another set that shows off the girlish smoothness very well is Epilogi. Stick some Petals or Pinnate shots up against some of those.
The combinations are endless
I should say I'm talking about what I think are her most successful images, the ones I come back to over and over. There are quite a few, perhaps a couple of hundred. I'm still discovering and rediscovering them.
The key word for Kristel is contrast. Not just between her shaven and unshaven sets, but within single shots that juxtapose delicate features and steamy "fur." Just like Mother Nature! ♁ See, for example, Lustroso.
They show the whole young woman. Why is this so rare in today's mainstream erotica?
If you don't mind a little textural stubble (I certainly don't :-), check out Devoto or her Femjoy Premiere.
I think she thinks the hair on her body is sexy, too ✌☺ ☯
We'll talk about her striking moods another time :-) ⌛
The quintessential unspoilt, sexy girl next door. That's Kristel in her best Rylsky images. Like virgin wilderness, she radiates healthy natural beauty.
Other models could be this way, but, hoping to improve them, they denature their bodies. The look in their eyes attests to the strain of trying to be what they aren't.
The antidote? Check out Kristel's first two MetArt sets.
To classify Kristel a "brunette" is kinda misleading. She has brown hair for sure, but is naturally fair-skinned and her eyes are blue (or gray.) To me a real brunette has darker hair, a relatively dark complexion, and brown eyes. Consult(ing) the dictionary ☻☝
Check for example Astrud A: a genuine brunette.
That said, I'm thinking of a certain image in Sperren that practically defines "brunette" :-)
Have fun categorizing bleached blondes