The 18eighteen galleries look convincing enough - this is early Natalia. Notice also the birthday quoted on the gallieries: March 8 is Natalia's birthday.
Carolyn @ glamdeluxe looks like a different girl to me.
You know Russell, giving the names of Covers like this is very confusing, especially, since I didn't find any Met-Art Covers named Sasha D. and/or Sasha G. for this Nubiles Model Cassie. I even went through the Covers you have Posted here and didn't find any named Sasha D. and/or Sasha G. Also using Met-Art's Model Index Sasha D. and Sasha G. look NOTHING like each other or this Model either.
I found most of this Model under Natalia B. in Met-Art's Model Index. I did see the 2 Met-Art Covers named Sasha 1 was a Movie and the next was 1 Photoshoot ... all the rest are named Natalia B., but even those 2 odd Covers are under Natalia B. on Met-Art.
At Met-Art and Met Models it is the Photographers that name the Models not the WebMaster, Fabio.
Can I just add that the site has to cover whatever the situation has been not just a model's current on-site name.
If a cover has a wrong name, even if we know it's a misprint and the site corrects the mistake, someone might find that cover and want information on it. All we can do is try to give users as much information as we know.
MetArt have done an overall on their model names of recently, but its still in a complete mess
The problem with Met is that they have so many models to index.
Met go through the alphabet from A :
Natalia A
Natalia B
Natalia C and so on
last i looked, they were upto Natalia I
Credit to Met, they have linked alot of models and indexed them with one name now.
So now you will find Sasha under Natalia B.
If you are seaching for a model, just use all of her known names and search by her known photographers also. (you will be suprised with how many different model names you can find by searching by her photographer).
Please don't put Russell down, how many sites are there out there, that you can find your models listed by her name and all of her alias's/sites on one page.
Over the last few months, i have made alot of comments, linked alot of pages together, added new sites that these girls are now appearing at.
If every user could do the same, this site would be up there, one of the best search sites available.
Just to make Deadip's day, here is another name from Met of Natalia B lol
BrookeLawsonFan, you´re wrong again. It´s clear that she has silicon breasts now.
I'm not sure about the following two, so what do you think. The same?
diana @ 18eighteen
Hi jack, I don't have access to either 18eighteen or Glamdeluxe. My initial reaction is "no" but let's see what others say about your comment. (:R
I'm not convinced yet too, but here are some galleries:
The 18eighteen galleries look convincing enough - this is early Natalia. Notice also the birthday quoted on the gallieries: March 8 is Natalia's birthday.
Carolyn @ glamdeluxe looks like a different girl to me.
I agree, MetMonk. AFter looking at it again, I don't think Carolyn K is Natalia B, but Diana is.
Carolyn removed (:R
in case of doubt, look for the moles on the cover for april 24, 2009 on this page and the cover for august 12, 2009 on the page mentioned before.
Another duplicate:
Here they are FAKE Boobies !!!!!
METART (Sasha & Natalia B & Sasha D & Sasha G)
You know Russell, giving the names of Covers like this is very confusing, especially, since I didn't find any Met-Art Covers named Sasha D. and/or Sasha G. for this Nubiles Model Cassie. I even went through the Covers you have Posted here and didn't find any named Sasha D. and/or Sasha G. Also using Met-Art's Model Index Sasha D. and Sasha G. look NOTHING like each other or this Model either.
I found most of this Model under Natalia B. in Met-Art's Model Index. I did see the 2 Met-Art Covers named Sasha 1 was a Movie and the next was 1 Photoshoot ... all the rest are named Natalia B., but even those 2 odd Covers are under Natalia B. on Met-Art.
At Met-Art and Met Models it is the Photographers that name the Models not the WebMaster, Fabio.
METMODELS (Sasha & Natalia B & Nataly & Galina & Natali & Natalia D)
Galina <--- using Met Model's Model index page
BY Sergey Skokov
What cover is for this one???
Also none of the Models on this Model Index Page look anything like this Model.
Natalia B. <---using Met Model's Model Index Page
BY Sergey Skokov
Still using Met Model's Model Index Page under Natalia B.
Natalia <---- ON Cover Name NO B. or D. behind it
BY Vadim Rigin
Using Met Model's Model Index Page under Natalia D.
Natalia <----ON Cover Name Again NO B or D behind it
BY Vadim Rigin
Natalia <----ON Cover Name Again NO B or D behind it
BY Vadim Rigin
Sasha <--- Using Met Model's Model Index Page
BY Vadim Rigin
Do you see my point here??? You are using both Cover Names and the Model Index Pages to get to the Model for this Index Page of yours.
Deadip - Luckily I don't have to justify myself to you or anyone else.
As I've said before "'s not perfect and never will be..." - I just try my best. (:R
Can I just add that the site has to cover whatever the situation has been not just a model's current on-site name.
If a cover has a wrong name, even if we know it's a misprint and the site corrects the mistake, someone might find that cover and want information on it. All we can do is try to give users as much information as we know.
Nice add Davey/Russell
To anyone looking for older model names from Met.
MetArt have done an overall on their model names of recently, but its still in a complete mess
The problem with Met is that they have so many models to index.
Met go through the alphabet from A :
Natalia A
Natalia B
Natalia C and so on
last i looked, they were upto Natalia I
Credit to Met, they have linked alot of models and indexed them with one name now.
So now you will find Sasha under Natalia B.
If you are seaching for a model, just use all of her known names
and search by her known photographers also. (you will be suprised with how many different model names you can find by searching by her photographer).
Please don't put Russell down, how many sites are there out there, that you can find your models listed by her name and all of her alias's/sites on one page.
Over the last few months, i have made alot of comments, linked alot of pages together, added new sites that these girls are now appearing at.
If every user could do the same, this site would be up there, one of the best search sites available.
Just to make Deadip's day, here is another name from Met of Natalia B lol
Sasha F
Keep the good hunt going