Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

- AKA: Buffy Tyler
- Born: April 1978
- Birthplace:
United States of America
- First Seen: 2000
- Last Seen: 2011
- Measurements: 36D-24-34 / ~91-61-86
- Body Type:
- Height: 165 cm, 5 ft 5 in
- Piercings: Navel
- Hair Colour: Fair
- Ethnicity:
- Breasts: Large (Fake)
- Official Site:
- Interviews:
- Social Media: MYSPACE
- Tattoos: Right ankle, right buttock
- Agencies:
- Appears with: Jennifer Walcott (x4), Lani Todd (x4), Jodi Ann Paterson (x4), Morena Corwin (x4), Becky DelosSantos (x4), Christina L Santiago (x4), LaTasha Marzolla (x3), Shannon Stewart (x3), Laura Cover (x3), Kerissa Fare (x3), Brooke Berry (x3), Neferteri Shepherd (x3), Nicole Marie Lenz (x3), Angela Little (x3), Angela Melini (x3), Brittany York (x2), Cady Cantrell (x2), Gleicy Santos (x2), Lauren Michelle Hill (x2), Charis Boyle (x2), Cara Michelle (x2), Summer Altice (x2), Nichole Van Croft (x2), Kalin Olson (x2), Brande Nicole Roderick (x2), Heather Christensen (x2), Harmony Guffey (x2), Tishara Lee Cousino (x2), Erin Connor (x2), Shallan Meiers (x2), Heather Carolin (x2), Victoria Fuller (x2), Mia Acevedo (x2), Elke Jeinsen (x2), Layla Harvest Roberts (x2), Donna Perry (x2), Jessica Lee (x2), Heather Spytek (x2), Crista Nicole (x1), Serria Tawan (x1), Teri Marie Harrison (x1), Suzanne Stokes (x1), Krista Kelly (x1), Marketa Janska (x1), Miriam Gonzalez (x1), Pennelope Jimenez (x1), Tawny Scofield (x1), Christi Shake (x1), Irina Voronina (x1), Neriah Davis (x1), Petra Verkaik (x1), Devin Devasquez (x1), Abigail Toyne (x1), Luci Victoria (x1), Amy Miller (x1), Anna Marie Goddard (x1), Brittany Evans (x1), Carrie Stevens (x1), Cherie Roberts (x1), Dalene Kurtis (x1), Crystal Beddows (x1), Tailor James (x1), Rhonda Adams (x1), Katie Lohmann (x1), Dita Von Teese (x1), Michelle X (x1), Victoria Knight (x1), Gina (x1), The Bernaola Twins (x1), Lindsey Vuolo (x1), Nicole Narain (x1), Lisa Marie Scott (x1), Rebekah Teasdale (x1), Alexandria Karlsen (x1), Amy Sue Cooper (x1), Ashley Charlton (x1), Ashley Puida (x1), Brandy Ritchey (x1), Robbin Banx (x1), Carrie A. Taylor (x1), Cheryl Bachman (x1), Genevieve Michelle (x1), Hope Marie Carlton (x1), Jacqueline Sheen (x1), Mary Jane Scott (x1), Nadine Glenn (x1), Natalia Sokolova (x1), Nicole Woodruff (x1), Arlene Baxter (x1), Piret Aava (x1), Sara Alvarado (x1), Holly Laar (x1), Kimberly Nicole Cameron (x1), Betty Ahn (x1), Julianna Pinheiro (x1), Esmeralda Soria (x1), Logan McKennah (x1), Heather Elle (x1), Melissa Mastrapa (x1), Christi Williams (x1), Susan Henson (x1), Maggie Heinen (x1), Samantha Joseph (x1), Patricia Ford (x1), Anne-Marie Fox (x1), Maria Checa (x1), Merritt Cabal (x1), Christi Nicole Taylor (x1), Heather Kozar (x1), Echo Johnson (x1), Karen McDougal (x1), Rochelle Loewen (x1), Jami Ferrell (x1), Paulette Myers (x1), Katie Hadorn (x1), Quinn Koloski (x1), Kristi Cline (x1), Alana Soares (x1), Annah R. Ranemark (x1), Carrie Jean Yazel (x1), Natalie Taylor (x1), Alesha M. Oreskovich (x1), Alley Baggett (x1), Bebe Buell (x1), Brooke Richards (x1), Candice Michelle (x1), Donna Edmondson (x1), Dorothy Teixeira (x1), Elizabeth Valerio (x1), Feather Frazier (x1), Jamie Button (x1), Madison Marie (x1), Anika Knudsen (x1), Michelle Thorne (x1)
- Activities: Glamour
- Tags: United States of America , fair hair , large implants , piercings , tattoos
- Favourite of: 14 members Praises from members:
- Page Credits: Midwest Davey , Bantu1 , PaCo
- Appears in Categories: Blondes, Big Boobs Models, Girls with Tattoos
Most Popular Buffy Tyler Galleries
PLAYBOY PLUS biography:
Say hello to Playmate Buffy Tyler. Blonde-haired and blue-eyed, she hails from rural Texas, and would like us to know that she bears no relation to the famed TV vampire hunter. “I get Buffy jokes every day,” she laments. “I’ve never seen the show!” Living and working in San Antonio, Buffy knew she was destined for something greater – or in any case, something a little more Californian. One audition for Playboy later, Buffy was our Miss November 2000, and well on her way to American stardom. “When you walk into a party with Hef, you’re a celebrity,” she says. “Everyone wants your autograph!” That said, Miss Tyler remains a small-town girl, and she insists that she’d never let the spotlight go to her head. “My mom raised three kids on her own,” she says. “She never gave up and always kept reaching for her dreams. She taught me to live life to the fullest!” With appearances on Howard Stern and invitations to hot parties, Buffy became a star in her own right, and she remains a welcome guest at the Playboy Mansion. “I always knew Playboy would open a lot of doors,” she says. “I’m gonna keep reaching for those stars!”
THENUDE biography:
As far as we know she began her nude modeling career in 2000. Buffy Tyler has 20 covers, 20 photosets to her name.She's know as: Buffy Tyler and has modeled for these premium nude girl sites: PLAYBOY PLUS.
It seems she retired in 2011.
Web Links
- PLAYBOY PLUS (Buffy Tyler)
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Buffy Tyler Covers
25 January 2011
Shannon Stewart & Irina Voronina & Nichole Van Croft & Brande Nicole Roderick & Lauren Michelle Hill & Buffy Tyler & Cara Michelle & Crista Nicole & Summer Altice & Neferteri Shepherd & Heather Kozar
as Brande Nicole Roderick & Buffy Tyler & Cara Michelle & Crista Nicole & Heather Kozar & Irina Voronina & Lauren Michelle Hill & Neferteri Shepherd & Nichole Van Croft & Shannon Stewart & Summer Altice
in "Playmate Calendar 2002 - Playmates Features"
31 December 2010
Buffy Tyler & Paulette Myers & LaTasha Marzolla & Erin Connor & Susan Henson
as Buffy Tyler & Erin Connor & Jennifer Ruch & LaTasha Marzolla & Paulette Myers & Susan Henson
in "Lingerie - Red, White and Blonde"
29 December 2008
Christi Shake & Lani Todd & Pennelope Jimenez & Buffy Tyler & Jennifer Walcott & Tishara Lee Cousino
as Buffy Tyler & Christi Shake & Jennifer Walcott & Lani Todd & Pennelope Jimenez & Tishara Lee Cousino
in "More Features - Playmates Unwrapped"
1 November 2006
Devin Devasquez & Crystal Beddows & Jessica Lee & Tailor James & Buffy Tyler & Amy Sue Cooper & Alana Soares & Bebe Buell & Anne-Marie Fox & Becky DelosSantos & Cady Cantrell & Carrie A. Taylor
as Alana Soares & Amy Sue Cooper & Anne-Marie Fox & Bebe Buell & Becky DelosSantos & Buffy Tyler & Cady Cantrell & Carrie A. Taylor & Chrissy Nicole Herbert & Crystal Beddows & Crystal Lee & Danielle Gam
in "Daily Double - November 2006"
1 November 2004
Donna Perry & Luci Victoria & Morena Corwin & Christina L Santiago & Heather Spytek & Teri Marie Harrison & Buffy Tyler & Jodi Ann Paterson & Marketa Janska & Brooke Berry & Annah R. Ranemark & Ashley Puida
as Annah R. Ranemark & Ashley Puida & Bonnie Marino & Brooke Berry & Buffy Tyler & Candace Collins & Carol Ficatier & Carrie Jean Yazel & Casey Mae & Christina L. Santiago & Corinna Harney & Deborah Drig
in "Daily Double - November 2004"
1 May 2004
Petra Verkaik & Victoria Fuller & Morena Corwin & Christina L Santiago & Shallan Meiers & Charis Boyle & Buffy Tyler & Jodi Ann Paterson & Nicole Marie Lenz & Alesha M. Oreskovich & Angela Little
as Alesha M. Oreskovich & Angela Little & Brooke Richards & Buffy Tyler & Candice Michelle & Carol Vitale & Charis Boyle & Cheree Lynn Prochnow & Christina L. Santiago & Christina Leardini & Danelle Mari
in "Daily Double - May 2004"
1 March 2004
Echo Johnson & Victoria Fuller & Brittany Evans & Kalin Olson & Laura Cover & Lindsey Vuolo & Christina L Santiago & Shallan Meiers & Dalene Kurtis & Charis Boyle & Buffy Tyler & Jennifer Walcott & Jodi Ann Paterson & Nicole Marie Lenz & Elke Jeinsen & Christi Nicole Taylor & Carrie Jean Yazel & Anika Knudsen & Brooke Richards & Angela Little & Becky DelosSantos
as Angela Little & Anika Knudsen & Becky DelosSantos & Brittany Evans & Brooke Richards & Buffy Tyler & Carrie Jean Yazel & Charis Boyle & Christi Nicole Taylor & Christina L. Santiago & Dalene Kurtis
in "Daily Double - March 2004"
1 January 2004
Neriah Davis & Anna Marie Goddard & Carrie Stevens & Laura Cover & Morena Corwin & Rhonda Adams & Shannon Stewart & Lani Todd & Serria Tawan & Buffy Tyler & Jennifer Walcott & Elke Jeinsen & Angela Melini
as Angela Melini & Anna-Marie Goddard & Ashley Charlton & Aubrie Lemon & Becky DelosSantos & Buffy Tyler & Candice Hines & Carrie Stevens & Carrie Westcott & Chera Leigh & Debi Johnson & Elke Jeinsen & G
in "Daily Double - January 2004"
1 June 2003
Heather Carolin & Dita Von Teese & Christina L Santiago & Nicole Narain & Heather Spytek & Buffy Tyler & Jennifer Walcott & Krista Kelly & Rebekah Teasdale & Katie Hadorn & LaTasha Marzolla & Heather Christensen & Robbin Banx & Gleicy Santos & Mary Jane Scott & Natalia Sokolova & Nicole Woodruff & Samantha Joseph & Erin Connor & Kimberly Nicole Cameron & Betty Ahn & Melissa Mastrapa & Maggie Heinen & Tawny Scofield
as Betty Ahn & Buffy Tyler & Christina L. Santiago & Dita Von Teese & Erin Connor & Gleicy Santos & Heather Carolin & Heather Christensen & Heather Spytek & Jennifer Walcott & Katie Hadorn & Kimberly Nicole Cameron & Krista Kelly & LaTasha Marzolla & Maggie Heinen & Mary Jane Scott & Meghan Michelle & Melissa Mastrapa & Natalia Sokolova & Nicole Narain & Nicole Woodruff & Rebekah Teasdale & Samantha Joseph & Tawny Scofield & Zoe Gregory
in "Daily Double - June 2003"
1 March 2003
Layla Harvest Roberts & Heather Carolin & Buffy Tyler & Kerissa Fare & Donna Edmondson & Angela Melini & Ashley Charlton & Becky DelosSantos & Brittany York & Cady Cantrell & Hope Marie Carlton & Jacqueline Sheen
as Angela Melini & Ashley Charlton & Becky DelosSantos & Brittany York & Buffy Tyler & Cady Cantrell & Donna Edmondson & Heather Carolin & Hope Marie Carlton & Jacqueline Sheen & Jennifer Korbin & Joland
in "Daily Double - March 2003"
1 January 2003
Donna Perry & Layla Harvest Roberts & Morena Corwin & Lauren Michelle Hill & Buffy Tyler & Kerissa Fare & Angela Melini & Arlene Baxter & Becky DelosSantos & Brandy Ritchey & Brittany York & Cheryl Bachman
as Angela Melini & Arlene Baxter & Becky DelosSantos & Brandy Ritchey & Brittany York & Buffy Tyler & Cheryl Bachman & Donna Perry & Hope Marie Carlton & Jacqueline Sheen & Jolanda Egger & Kelly Gallaghe
in "Daily Double - January 2003"
1 January 2003
Michelle X & Victoria Knight & Gina & Buffy Tyler & Jodi Ann Paterson & Madison Marie & Harmony Guffey & Mia Acevedo & Heather Elle & Christi Williams
as Buffy Tyler & Christi Williams & Harmony Guffey & Heather Elle & Jodi Ann Paterson & Lucie Faubert & Madison Marie & Mia Acevedo & Michelle Chase & Victoria Knight
1 August 2002
Michelle Thorne & Lisa Marie Scott & Lani Todd & Buffy Tyler & Miriam Gonzalez & Neferteri Shepherd & Merritt Cabal & Rochelle Loewen & Quinn Koloski & LaTasha Marzolla & Natalie Taylor & Alley Baggett & Candice Michelle & Dorothy Teixeira & Elizabeth Valerio & Jamie Button & Maria Checa & Angela Little & Gleicy Santos & Nadine Glenn & Piret Aava & Sara Alvarado & Harmony Guffey & Holly Laar & Julianna Pinheiro & Esmeralda Soria & Logan McKennah & Mia Acevedo
as Alley Baggett & Angela Little & Buffy Tyler & Candice Michelle & Cheryl Stell & Dorothy Teixeira & Elizabeth Valerio & Esmeralda Soria & Gleicy Santos & Harmony Guffey & Holly Laar & Jamie Button & Julianna Pinheiro & Lani Todd & LaTasha Marzolla & Lisa Marie Scott & Logan McKennah & Lynn Kelley & Maria Checa & Merritt Cabal & Mia Acevedo & Michelle Thorne & Miriam Gonzalez & Nadine Glenn & Natalie Taylor & Neferteri Shepherd & Piret Aava & Quinn Koloski & Rochelle Loewen & Sara Alvarado
in "Daily Double - August 2002"
1 June 2002
Abigail Toyne & Amy Miller & Cherie Roberts & Laura Cover & Katie Lohmann & Lani Todd & Buffy Tyler & Brooke Berry & Patricia Ford & Feather Frazier & Heather Christensen & Genevieve Michelle
as Abigail Toyne & Alexis Curtis Wilson & Amy Miller & April Hanna & Brooke Berry & Buffy Tyler & Cherie Roberts & Feather Frazier & Genevieve Michelle & Gleicy Santos & Heather Christensen & Heather Ell
in "Daily Double - June 2002"
11 February 2002
Buffy Tyler
as Buffy Tyler
in "Events - Mardi Gras 2002 - Brassy Blonde"
1 November 2000
Buffy Tyler
as Buffy Tyler
in "Miss November"
28 images
1 November 2000
Buffy Tyler
as Buffy Tyler
in "Miss November"
59 images
31 October 2000
Buffy Tyler
as Buffy Tyler
in "Playmate of the Month November 2000 - Buffy Tyler"
31 October 2000
Buffy Tyler
as Buffy Tyler
in "Playmate Exclusives November 2000 - Buffy Tyler"
15 May 2000
Shannon Stewart & Nichole Van Croft & Suzanne Stokes & Brande Nicole Roderick & Buffy Tyler & Cara Michelle & Summer Altice & Brooke Berry & Kerissa Fare & Neferteri Shepherd & Nicole Marie Lenz & The Bernaola Twins
as Brande Nicole Roderick & Brooke Berry & Buffy Tyler & Cara Michelle & Kerissa Fare & Neferteri Shepherd & Nichole Van Croft & Nicole Marie Lenz & Shannon Stewart & Summer Altice & Suzanne Stokes & The
in "Playmate Review 2000 - Features"
Buffy Tyler Galleries
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